Holiday Safety Tips
A good warrior always pays attention and is aware of their surroundings. Let’s begin with driving up to the mall or shopping area:
- Park under a streetlight for maximum visibility.
- Put away your phone so that you can pay attention to your surroundings.
- As you walk to your destination, stand up tall and breathe deep, focus on the world around you.
- If your phone rings, move your back up against a wall so that you have a 180° panorama, and nothing can approach you from the rear. Do not walk and talk.
- Finish the call and put your phone away, proceed to your destination.
- When it’s time to return to your car, have your key or key fob ready.
- Look around as you approach your car.
- Open your car, look in the backseat, get in, and quickly lock your door.
Predators shy away from those paying attention. Being observant has a twofold benefit, it informs you of your surroundings and it informs predators that you are aware of their presence.
Fun fact. Do you know one of the main purposes for stores to have the large glass windows in front? It’s for visibility so that you can see if they’re being robbed.
Pay attention to your gut feeling. We are a three part being, body, mind, and spirit. When the spirit tells the body that somethings not right, the mind must pay attention and act accordingly. If you feel uncomfortable or that something is not right, you should leave that area immediately. If someone gives you the creeps, you should remove yourself from that situation. For example, if you’re waiting for an elevator and the person inside makes you feel uneasy, wait for the next elevator. Your safety and life are much more valuable than the time you would lose waiting for the next elevator.
You are a warrior, not a victim! If you think you’re being followed, move towards a crowd and ask for help. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Your safety and well-being matters.
Remember, just as the song says “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”
Enjoy it, be safe, and be happy!
Happy Holidays,
Your Warrior Taekwondo USA Family