Just Say No to Sex trafficking
Well here’s an uncomfortable subject to discuss. Sex trafficking. Well the thing about warriors is we don’t run from the battle we run to it.
25 million people in human slavery with atrocities unimaginable being perpetrated on the young and very young. Well I say no more and warriors rise to the challenge. This is unacceptable and needs to be stopped.
Here is a real world picture for you to consider. Imagine a public park with children playing and parents enjoying the day and some sunshine. In this scene we have a couple pushing a stroller with a baby. What is not known is they are shopping from a shopping list that reads something like this, two-year-old boy blonde hair. two-year-old girl red hair etc. Once they have identified their prey, they watch for an opportunity. Sometimes they even create the distraction. The mother looks away and when she looks back her baby is gone she starts yelling and screaming frantically. What she doesn’t know is the couple pushing the stroller grabbed her child quickly injected them with a sedative,opened the stroller to a soundproof compartment through the child in and shut the lid and continue to push there façade down the sidewalk while a parents worst nightmare manifest.
Imagine going out to enjoy a night out. You’re at your local hanging out having drinks and laughs
When suddenly you don’t feel so good, the last thing you remember is going towards the bathroom. When you wake up, not only do you not know where you are but you are not even on the same continent. You have been roofied and abducted in the human slavery.
Warriors what can we do about these two horrible stories:
#1 pay attention
#2 Pay attention
#3 oh and did I mention pay attention
#4 if you go out, go with the group and have a designated lookout.
#5 understand that predators are professionals so if you are out and see someone watching someone else take your group and go confront them
#6 if you get that gut feeling that somethings not right, understand that is your spirit person trying to talk to your mind. Look around, confront the evil put the light on it and expose it and it will flee.
#7 and last but not least pay attention.
All right warriors go get that five minute a day practice in and together we stand and say no to sex trafficking.