What the hell is going on with this Covid?
Throughout these blogs we look to address body, soul, and spirit. Because we are a three-part being it is necessary to have an understanding in how situations and circumstances around us, manifest in these three areas of who we are.
Most of us are completely aware that Covid is a flu type virus that makes our body sick. Some of you may not know the statistics that are recently out to show the effect on our soul which is also made up of three components mind,will, and emotion. A growing number of statistics are indicating that after the physical body symptoms of Covid there are mental symptoms of depression, anxiety, hopelessness, confusion…
I would like you to consider that there may be more at play here than just what a therapist would try to work you through to help you overcome. In previous blogs and podcasts we have talked about the manifestation of the spirit realm. That the one side is life and life abundant for your destiny and purpose and the other side is steal, kill and destroy your destiny and purpose.
As a warrior my training tells me to not only evaluate the attack before me but to examine all the directions and ask the question, why?
History tells us in the time of Genghis Khan, that the Tartars from the north in Russia were attacking them. If you were a Mongolian you would be saying the Tartars are attacking. Later Genghis found out that the Chinese had hired the Tartars to attack them and that in fact, it was the Chinese that were attacking them.
The Way of the Warrior evaluates our surroundings.
Many people that have had Covid, have experienced varying levels of depression and hopelessness after physically recovering. In many situations there is no circumstances in their life to justify what they’re experiencing. I would submit that it is a spiritual attack on your soul realm. It has an objective and it has a goal. Throughout history it’s goal has never changed, it always seeks to kill, steel, and destroy your life. I would also submit that even though counseling may have some benefits, it cannot withstand evil. Evil needs to be identified, confronted, and driven out.
And once again, here we are at the same conclusion as previously discussed,
Choose you this day whom you will serve.